Accessible Yoga School Blog

Rainbow Mind Meditation for Pride (and Every Day)

Accessible Yoga School
Rainbow Mind Meditation for Pride (and Every Day)


"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences." —Audre Lorde  


When I came out of the...


Embracing Difference, Not Conformity: What Does Accessible Yoga Really Mean?

by Jivana Heyman

I’m always curious about the ways that the term “accessible yoga” is understood and translated by the yoga community. What I’ve noticed recently is that...


Tradition Versus Innovation in Asana

by Jivana Heyman

Most people think that adapting yoga is a very contemporary thing to do, and sometimes I hear concerns that something is lost when we adapt the practice. But it is possible to find...


A Technique to Teach Truly Mixed Level Yoga Classes

by Jivana Heyman

As yoga teachers, we need to help our students find safe and effective ways to practice whether it’s online or in person. One of the most helpful ways of doing this is to...


6 Tips for Yoga Teachers Moving Towards Accessibility

By Jivana Heyman

I’ve had so many people tell me, “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga.” Of course, flexibility doesn’t really have anything to do with yoga! So hearing...


3 Trauma-Informed Breathing Cues

by Jivana Heyman

We can make our pranayama practices more accessible through a better understanding of the breath. Here, three trauma-informed breathing cues to inform your teaching.

1. Bigger...


Here's the poem I return to when thinking about the breath

by Jivana Heyman

Here’s a poem I often return to when thinking about the breath. Kabir clarifies the importance of the breath in spiritual practice, answering the timeless question,...


Breathing Through the Kleysa

by Jivana Heyman

In one of the most poetic passages of his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali explains that pranayama, the breathing practices, allow our inner light, or spirit, to shine. He says, “As a...


3 Ways to Make Pranayama More Accessible

by Jivana Heyman

1. Celebrate your breath.

If you’re breathing, you’re doing it right. Starting with this affirmation can completely shift our experience of breathing practices. On the...


3 Self-Study Prompts to Help You Tap Into a Realm of Infinite Possibilities

by M Camellia

This morning I woke up feeling chilly. I made myself a hot cup of coffee and went about my morning routine. Somewhere along the way, I set my coffee down, and when I next went to take...

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