Watch Now: Skills for Adapting Popular Yoga Poses with Jivana Heyman

We sometimes forget that yoga is a spiritual practice that's mostly about working with the mind. When I share this with my students, it often surprises them to consider that yoga is a mental practice.

Of course the beauty of yoga is that we use all of the aspects of our lives—including our body—to make spiritual practice grounded and tangible.

I love asana for this very reason. It makes yoga so accessible.

At the same time, asana can make yoga feel unattainable because there's a prevailing image in western culture that makes it seem complex and physically challenging. However, yoga doesn't end at what we can accomplish physically.

I learned yoga from my grandmother, who was a devoted practitioner most of her life. When she was in her 80s, though she could do less and less on the mat, it was clear to me that she wasn't becoming more of a beginner or less experienced. She was actually gaining wisdom. When she transitioned, I remember thinking that there was a profound beauty in the way she navigated her journey.

Sometimes that's lost in modern yoga.

As a yoga teacher, it's on us to create a container or culture in our classes that support students in both challenging themselves but also connecting deeply. We want to create a warm and supportive environment for them, as well as get creative and draw from a toolkit that allows us to meet each student where they are. 

That's why I lead the 40-hour Accessible Yoga Training Online, which begins October 17. I believe that sharing the power of yoga (and helping people work with their bodies and minds) is a skill set that every teacher can continue developing.

I recently led a free workshop that I'd love to share with you about adapting popular yoga poses. It's a preview of topics you'll dive into in the training in a much deeper way, but you'll take away some tips that you can apply to your teaching right away, including:

  • The ABCs of teaching Accessible Yoga
  • A benefit-based approach for adapting postures
  • Ideas for adapting popular postures
  • Plus, a practice to help you experience what we've learned!

If you'd like to learn more about the full 40-hour training, find more details below and here.


Watch Now: Skills for Adapting Popular Yoga Poses


40-Hour Accessible Yoga Training Online

with Jivana Heyman & guest teachers
October 17-November 25

Take a deep dive into how to adapt asana on the mat, chair, wall, and bed, as well as build the skills needed to lead an equitable and accessible yoga practice. Plus, study with guest facilitators who are each experts on topics like accessibility, social justice, trauma-informed teaching, marketing, and more.

Tiered pricing & payment plans are available
Partial scholarship applications are open through Sunday October 6 at 11:59pm PT



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