3 Ways to Practice Sustainable Solidarity

“I want to invite you to start imagining possibilities outside of the 'right' way. Some of us can't imagine beyond what is current, what is normalized. The only way we shift this it to begin to imagine what's possible.”

—kelley nicole palmer

Over the last few years of this global pandemic, many of us have had more space to pause and notice things we may have previously ignored or not been present to. The wellness community, in particular, has begun to reckon with the reality of inequities and the ways these truths show up in our healing-oriented practices. In this short dharma talk video, kelley nicole palmer speaks to the sometimes performative nature of these conversations and how, when we engage in them without turning inward to examine our own actions, relationships, and behaviors, we aren't participating in sustainable change work. kelley nicole offers three invitations—three ways we can re-orient towards sustainability and towards authenticity.  



Get clear on your role in dismantling systems of oppression and activate your yoga practice for social justice
Start working toward the future you believe in.

Race & Equity in Yoga: Disruption as a Practice
A 12-hour live online training with kelley nicole palmer 

August 9 - 18, 2022
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9am-12pm Pacific | 12pm-3pm Eastern

Tiered Pricing & Payment Plans Available
Scholarship applications due July 31



kelley nicole palmer (she/her) is a writer, wellness advocate and community organizer committed to using the tools and philosophies of yoga to cultivate liberation, joy and peace for herself and others. Her connection to the living practice of yoga, a path of mindful wellness and self realization fuels her work, impacts her life and propels her to want to share it with others through her writing, events and guest teaching opportunities. She remains focused on making this healing practice accessible to all, connecting to communities that are normally excluded or ignored in mainstream wellness circles.

Through in person and online offerings, kelley nicole centers her work on making these connections with authentic and sustainable tool building. Her writing, offerings and more about her can be found at www.kelleynicolepalmer.com.



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