Are you an activist?

"Activism can be a big, intimidating word. Many of us might be wondering if this is a title we want to apply to ourselves. And it's a valid question."

—Anjali Rao


In this short Dharma talk, Anjali Rao offers thoughts on the word activism and the larger context of our current world and the inequities we're witnessing—with so much to unravel and unpack, to understand and observe, we might be wondering what our roles are and how we might be able to start to make a difference. What's more, many of us might be wondering what the connection is between yoga and activism. The truth is that yoga and activism have always been linked. Watch this brief video to hear Anjali's speak on the history of this connection.

Anjali Rao is a yoga teacher, social justice activist, multi-cultural training specialist, and a cancer survivor. She is an Indian American immigrant from Bangalore, India. Her work explores yoga philosophy and history integrating marginalized voices using story- telling, imagery and poetry. She teaches intensives integrating social justice and yoga, is a part of teacher training faculty, conducts workshops and is a speaker at wellness conferences.

 Join Anjali for her upcoming online course,
Yoga: Activism: A Blueprint for Collective Transformation

In this 12hr CE offering, we'll explore classical yoga philosophy and contemporary social justice. We’ll cultivate individual discernment into where we have agency and our role as yoga activists, and we'll co-create a culture of inclusion and equity by designing a sustainable and authentic blueprint that can be implemented in one’s community of choice.

Yoga & Activism: A Blueprint for Collective Transformation begins June 20th.

The course will be held June 20 - July 18, 2021
Sundays (except July 4)
2pm–5pm Pacific | 5pm–8pm Eastern

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